Saturday, November 15, 2014

Watch Out, Kim Kardashian, Another Booty Is Taking Over

You probably don't need to have this photo explained to you, since it's likely that the moment you saw it, life finally started making sense and everything came together, but this is Nick Jonas reenacting Kim Kardashian's now infamous Paper Magazine cover. You're welcome, for this photo surely just completed your entire life.

It's actually a little unclear as to whether or not he's actually replicating the photo or if he just had his head Photoshopped on. The pose is exactly the same as in Kim's photo, and we don't think that Nick's ass is this notable, but then again there aren't any breasts in this version, and -- this is the big one -- you know that Nick would absolutely love to actually do this pose himself. It would be the most glorious moment in his very extensive "look at me, I am a mature adult who has sex" tour.

Either way, thank you so much for this, Nick Jonas. We will never be able to repay you for what you have done for us.


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