Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Cee Lo Green shares his sick ideas about rape

Back in 2012, a woman accused singer Cee Lo Green of spiking her drink with ecstasy and then had sex with her without her consent. According to the police report, Cee Lo took the accuser on a date in July and the next thing she remembers is waking up naked in bed with Cee Lo in the room.

Sexual battery charges were never filed against Cee Lo because the prosecutor could not find enough evidence to prove the sex was not consensual. But just last week, Cee Lo pleaded no contest to one felony count of furnishing Ecstasy and was sentenced to 3 years probation.

When fans asked him about the case on Twitter yesterday, Cee Lo shared some pretty disturbing ideas about rape. In a debate with his fans about pleading no contest, Cee Lo said 'women who are really raped remember it'. Continue...

"If I tried, and did not succeed, but the person says I did, what really happened?" Cee Lo said while answering questions on Twitter about the case.

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