Tuesday, September 2, 2014

I killed my father over a stick of cigarette – Suspect

25 year old Best Momodu, (pictured in blue) one of the 63 criminals paraded yesterday September 1st by men of the Edo state Police command at the state Force Headquaters, confessed to stabbing his own father to death over a stick of cigarette he stole from the man, Vanguard reports.
“I stole his cigarette and he found out. So he started shouting at me and quarreling. So, mistakenly I took a knife and stabbed him. I have not seen the dead body but I heard he died. But the community people arrested me after I killed him.” the Edo state indigene said while confessing to the crime. Continue...
While parading the suspects, the state Police Commissioner, Folunso Adebanjo, advised residents of the state to be very vigilant as we approach the end of the year when criminal activities is usually on the increase.

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