Wednesday, May 1, 2019

BREAKING NEWS: Alaba Mixtape Promoter, Usa4records Media reacts to an Instagram post by popular comedian Alibaba | @alibabagcfr

Good Day sir Mr Alibabagcfr @alibabagcfr, 
We appreciate your numerous contributions in the entertainment industry over the years but with all due respect I disagree with the post you made stating that Mixtape promoters are not given authorization to use contents and that we pirate artiste intellectual property and still demand payment from them. 

I will start by correcting the notion that mixtape is piracy because judging from the definition of Piracy which states:

"The unauthorized duplication of goods or body of work (in this case we can refer to Albums) protected by intellectual property law (e.g. copying software unlawfully)"
From this definition, mixtape has been ruled out because we don't touch any body of intellectual property and this artistes give us permission to use their contents on our mixes. 

If we have to be trustful on this issue, we have always referred to the duplication of albums as piracy and there was no time mixtape was called piracy where printed or online mixtape. 
The only collection that can fall into this place as piracy are the Bests (e.g Best of Artiste A,  Best of Artiste B) because they contain all the marketable collection of the artistes songs which we the alaba mixtape promoters strongly fight against be it online mixtape or printed alaba mixtape. 

If mixtape promoters are to be attacked because we request payment for the effort and resources they put into distributing this mixtape that contents the artiste song to a very large geographical location and to a reliable audience, then radio stations, deejays,  online blogs, show promoters, comedians,  club owners should be condemned because they also ask this same artiste to pay to have a spotlight on their platforms. 

If we have to come at the irregularity in the entertainment business we honestly need to come at everyone because the structure is faulty.  Deejays that play songs to large audience are not crucified but celebrated, Comedians that use this same artiste songs for skits without paying royalties or blogs that collect money to post artiste song for free download, or clubs that play artiste songs without permission or paying royalties or show promoters that collect money from this same artiste before allowing them perform in their event?  COSON which is suppose to be a functional aim in the music business has exhibited more incompetence. we are all faulty! 
What's the beef with Alaba mixtape promoters? 

Whenever piracy is mention we the mixtape promoters are blamed for the deficiencies that happens in the entertainment business. If we have to build a strong entertainment structure in Nigeria we first have to stop sentiments and look at importance of this various elements.
The fact that Alaba mix is an unstructured form of urban promotion doesn't mean it hasn't impacted into the lives of this Artistes, if not why do we have high patronage and also receive payments from Top artistes to promote their contents?  Nobody is forcing anyone to distribute their content on Alaba mixtape its a deliberate decision by this artistes and if you don't want us to use your content on Alaba mixtape we are very accessible,  you can even send a message to @alabapromoters or send an E-mail to our association (APA - Alaba Promoters Association) will make sure immediate actions are taken. 
Alaba mix is the only form of promotion that cuts across large geographical locations and has been Tested and Trusted as the best offline promotion. 

Please let's be guided on this. 
Thank you sir for your contribution but on this matter its overruled! 

God bless Nigeria and every artiste putting in work! 


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