Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Cameroon And Niger Existing Without U.S Ambassadors For Eight Months!

In a recent talk, US Sec. of state, John Kerry blames the US Senate for depriving America of better diplomacy around the world.
US Sec. of State John Kerry blames Senate for lack of US Ambassadors in Cameroon and Niger Why is Cameroon and Niger without US Ambassadors for more than eight months? The US Secretary of State, John Kerry blames the US Senate for the situation in a latest op-d last week he titled, "Why Is the Senate Hobbling American Diplomacy?"
Kerry admitted that the take over of Boko Harram and the abduction of over 200 girls in Nigeria has ignited a global call fro help to "Bring Back Our Girls" and says, "President Barack Obama responded with urgency, but lost in the story is that one tool the United States would like to have at our disposal is hampered by the absence of U.S. ambassadors in neighboring Cameroon and Niger,” he lamented.
The US Sec. of State added that eight months is way to wide a gap to deprive diplomacy and world aid, "That means we lost eight months when we would have had full-strength, highest-level capacity to build greater regional cooperation and trust to combat the rising threat from this brutal extremist group. Eight months when U.S. advice and training could have helped equip these critical countries to better help themselves. Eight months when we could have provided better assistance to respond to a moral outrage," he b

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